A powerful storm hit the Netherlands and Germany. There are dead

Anna Kholodnova

In the Netherlands, a powerful storm "Poly" paralyzed traffic and injured at least two people — trees fell on their cars.

Reuters writes about it.

In some places, the wind speed reached 145 kilometers per hour. Photos and videos of the consequences of bad weather are published on social networks.

Pieter Perquin

The National Meteorological Institute declared the province of Noord-Holland the highest red level of danger and urged residents to stay at home. Amsterdamʼs "Schiphol" Airport canceled more than 300 flights, and highways north of the capital were closed due to fallen trees.

According to weather agency "Weeronline", the storm "Poly" became the strongest in the country since January 2018.

The German publication BILD reported at least two dead women. In the city of Rede (North Rhine-Westphalia), a tree fell on a 64-year-old woman who was walking her dog. She died on the spot. Another victim in the city of Haarlem in the Netherlands was also hit by a tree.