A drifting mine nearly blew up a ship of the Romanian Navy in the Black Sea

Kostia Andreikovets

The ship of the Naval Forces of Romania almost blew up on a drifting mine in the Black Sea.

Reuters writes about it.

The incident happened on September 8. The Navy knew about the mine and sent a ship to defuse it. Due to strong wind and waves, the ship came across a mine and it blew up.

The Navy reported that the crew of the minesweeper Locotenent Dimitrie Nicolescu (DM-29) was not injured. The ship received a small hole in the stern at the level of the waterline, but did not lose buoyancy.

  • Mines in the Black Sea began to float after the invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine. Since the beginning of the war, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine have neutralized 28 mines in the western waters of the Black Sea.
  • In March, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine reported that Russia was mining the Black Sea with sea mines from Ukrainian military depots in Sevastopol, which were seized in 2014.