In 2024, the death rate in Ukraine exceeded the birth rate by 2.8 times. In total, 176 679 people were born in Ukraine last year, and 495 090 died.
This is evidenced by information on the results of the work of state civil registration bodies in 2024.
The worst demographic situation is in the Kherson and Donetsk regions — there the mortality rate is 11 and 8.5 times higher than the birth rate, respectively.
The best indicators are in Rivne region, where the birth rate is 1.6 times lower than the death rate. In second place are Transcarpathian and Volyn regions — 1.7 times. Kyiv closes the top three with an indicator of 1.8 times.
The demographic situation in 2024 improved somewhat in the second half of the year. Then 89.02 thousand people were born, which is 1.6% more than in the first half of the year. At the same time, the number of deaths was 244.12 thousand, which is 2.7% less than in the same period of time.
- In September 2024, the US Central Intelligence Agency published a report according to which Ukraine ranked first in the world in terms of mortality and at the same time last in the birth rate.
- According to the CIA, the mortality rate in Ukraine is 18.6 per thousand citizens. In the birth rate ranking, Ukraine ranks last, 228th — six children are born in the country per thousand people.
- During the first half of 2024, 87 655 children were born in Ukraine, and 250 972 people died. During the same period in 2021, before the full-scale war, 132 595 children were born in Ukraine. Now this figure is almost half as low. Currently, there are three deaths per newborn in Ukraine. In 2018-2020, there were two deaths per child. This factor is one of the key indicators of the demographic crisis.
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