The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the National Police have documented the war crimes of Alexei Khavetsky, deputy head of "Correctional Colony No. 7" in the Vladimirsky region of Russia. He is suspected of torturing Ukrainian prisoners of war.
This is reported by the press service of SBU.
The investigation found that from at least late May 2023 to February 2024, Khavetsky personally tortured captured Ukrainian soldiers who were being held in a Russian prison. They were tortured with electric shocks and guard dogs were set on them.
On Khavetskyʼs order, his subordinates regularly beat prisoners, left them for long periods without food, water, or medical care, and kept them without warm clothing in freezing cells and in low temperatures outdoors.
According to SBU and the National Police, the defendant used torture to "extract" from the victims the "confessions" needed by the occupiers in fabricated cases.
Investigators informed Khavetsky in absentia of suspicion of war crimes.
- According to the UN, more than 95% of Ukrainian servicemen released from Russian captivity were subjected to torture or other violations of International Humanitarian Law and the Geneva Conventions. Ukrainian intelligence has found that the Russians are training “specialists” to torture Ukrainian prisoners of war.
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