Telegram has launched a system of partner programs that allow creators to monetize their work, and developers of mini-applications to attract new users. Also, Telegram users can now find stickers with the help of artificial intelligence and create photo and video collages in their stories.
This is reported in the messengerʼs blog.
Partner programs
All Telegram users and channels can now earn stars by joining affiliate programs launched by developers. To do this, you need to go to your star balance and view the list of available programs, choose one of them, get a unique referral link and start sharing it.
When someone uses your referral link to access the widget and makes a purchase using Telegram stars, you will earn a commission — a percentage of their transactions in stars.
Commissions will appear on your balance in real time, as soon as the user you referred to the mini-app makes a transaction there. Stars can then be used to buy items or subscribe to apps, send gifts to friends, unlock media in channels.
Any developer of widgets or bots on Telegram can create their own affiliate program and indicate what percentage of their future income they are willing to share with those who attract users. Developers can even decide how long they want to share revenue after a user starts interacting with their widget.
Search for stickers using artificial intelligence
Thanks to a special artificial intelligence model, the sticker panel now supports complex multi-keyword searches. For example, if you type "yellow dog laughs", you can see results from over 40 000 stickers in the official Telegram sets.
This feature works in dozens of languages, and premium users can also use this improved search in the emoji section.
Collages in stories
Telegram stories can now combine up to six photos or videos in different layouts. You can add media directly from the gallery or camera.
- In November, Telegram launched the biggest update in mini-app history, now supporting full-screen mode, paid subscriptions, home screen shortcuts, the ability to send gifts, share media, and more.
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