Almost all votes in the parliamentary elections were counted in Georgia. The opposition does not recognize the results

Liza Brovko

The Central Election Commission of Georgia counted votes from 99.6% of polling stations. The ruling party "Georgian Dream" is in the lead with a result of 54.08%.

This is stated on the CEC website.

In second place by the number of votes is the opposition "Coalition for Changes" with 10.92%, in third place "Unity — National Movement" — 10.12%, in fourth place "Strong Georgia" — 8.78%, in fifth place "Gakharia — for Georgia" — 7.76%. All of them are oppositional. That is, the total results of the main opposition are about 37.58%.

At the same time, according to the exit polls of opposition channels, the opposition won more votes than the pro-government "Georgian Dream": 52% of opposition parties, 40.9% of votes for "Georgian Dream".

Georgian opposition parties do not recognize the election results. This was stated by ex-president Mikheil Saakashviliʼs party "Unity — National Movement", "Coalition for Changes" and "Strong Georgia", Echo of the Caucasus reports.

"We are outraged by what the Central Commission dared to write. The results do not reflect the will of the Georgian people. These figures contradict the historical and current elections in Georgia, we fight for every vote, we use all legal means to protect the democratic and European choice of the Georgian people. We do not intend to give anyone the opportunity to choose this option," Anna Dolidze, one of the leaders of the coalition, said at the press conference.

The leader of the "Coalition for Change" Nika Gvaramia emphasized that "Georgian Dream" is committing a constitutional coup and called the parliamentary elections stolen.

  • Elections in Georgia are called historic, as the result may indicate either Georgiaʼs future integration with the European Union or rapprochement with Moscow. For the first time, they are held not according to the majoritarian system, but according to the proportional system, and this increases the oppositionʼs chance of victory.

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