“Either Ukraine will have nuclear weapons, or we must be in NATO.” Zelensky talked about the conversation with Trump

Oleksandra Amru

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, in a conversation with the US presidential candidate from the Republican Party Donald Trump, insisted that Ukraine needs NATO membership for its protection.

He stated this at a press conference following the meeting of the European Council in Brussels.

The President cited as an example the failed guarantees of the Budapest Memorandum, whose guarantor was Russia. According to this document, Ukraine had to give up nuclear weapons in exchange for ensuring territorial integrity and sovereignty.

"If Russia violated this document, although it was the guarantor of the memorandum, how can you trust this document and how can you trust all partners who guaranteed the preservation of our territorial integrity and sovereignty?" he emphasized.

According to him, just as the Budapest Memorandum does not work, neither do any other agreements of major partners with Russia.

"Which of these big countries, of all the nuclear states, which of them suffered? Everyone? No, Ukraine is the only one. Who gave up nuclear weapons? Everyone? No, Ukraine is the only one. Who is fighting today is Ukraine," Zelensky emphasized.

The President of Ukraine noted that he spoke with Trump about NATO and noted that one way or another his country must be able to defend itself, and if it does not have nuclear weapons, then the only way out is membership in NATO.

"This is how it works for us, so what is the solution? Either Ukraine will have nuclear weapons and then it is a defense for us, or we must have some kind of alliance. Apart from NATO, we do not know of effective alliances today. NATO countries are not at war today, NATO countries are not fighting today, people are all alive in NATO countries," Zelensky said.

He added that this is why Ukraine wants to join the North Atlantic Alliance: "Thatʼs why we choose NATO, not nuclear weapons. I think Donald Trump heard me this time. He said: ʼYou have fair arguments.ʼ"

A plan to win

Today, October 17, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky spoke at the European Council in Brussels and presented the victory plan to the allies. According to him, the conversation with the members of the European Union was "very productive".

"We had a very productive conversation with all members of the European Union, with all colleagues, 18 of them commented on the victory plan. I am very grateful that I had a closed part of the conversation with the allies. And after our very frank conversation, the majority of those who spoke fully supported the plan for victory. Iʼm glad they heard some details from me. I am glad that our team will continue to work," said Zelensky.

He added that before that he started communicating with a number of allies regarding some points of the victory plan, because the strengthening of Ukraine with certain elements that are in the closed annex depends on their will. This mainly applies to long-range weapons. Zelensky said that there were "very positive signals".

The day before, on October 16, President Zelensky publicly presented the victory plan in detail for the first time, speaking before Ukrainian deputies in the Verkhovna Rada. It contains five points. The first four are designed for implementation during the war, and the last — after the war.

  • Invitation to NATO even before the end of the war. Zelensky claims that this will be a "testament of determination" and will show how the partners see Ukraine in the "security architecture".
  • Strengthening the defense. This clause provides for the continuation of the operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the territory of Russia and the lifting of restrictions on strikes deep into the Russian Federation, the joint repulsion of Russian air attacks with friendly neighboring countries and access to intelligence partners.
  • Containment of Russia. Ukraine proposes to deploy a comprehensive non-nuclear strategic deterrence package on its land, which will be sufficient to protect the state in the future. The clause provides for the joint production of weapons, in particular the financing of weapons production in Ukraine by the West.
  • Development of Ukraineʼs strategic and economic potential and strengthening of sanctions against the Russian Federation. Valuable resources are concentrated in Ukraine, including uranium, titanium, and lithium. They can strengthen Ukraine and its allies. Ukraine proposes to sign special agreements with the EU and the USA on joint protection, investment in mining and use of these resources.
  • The US contingent in NATO will be able to replace the Ukrainian military. After the end of the war, the Ukrainian military can use its experience to strengthen the defense of NATO and Europe.

The plan also contains secret supplements that have already been shared with partners. According to the president, the implementation of each point is calculated for a certain period of time, and if you start implementing it right now, the war will be finished no later than the end of next year.

Before that, Zelensky presented the victory plan to both candidates for the presidency of the United States — Republican Donald Trump and the current vice president, Democrat Kamala Harris, the current President of the States Joe Biden, as well as Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany.

The president spoke about the victory plan at the end of August. On September 20, Zelensky informed that the plan "is designed for quick decisions by partners from October to December 2024.”

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