A Range Rover car is confiscated from the mother of a deputy of the Kyiv City Council. It was purchased for only UAH 65 thousand

Olha Bereziuk

A Range Rover car purchased for UAH 65 000 is confiscated from the mother of a deputy of the Kyiv City Council. The prosecutorʼs office proved in court that it was a gift to a person close to the deputy, which is prohibited by the law "On Prevention of Corruption."

This was reported by the press service of the capital prosecutorʼs office.

The department does not mention the name of the person involved in the case, but according to the sources of Babel, itʼa about the deputy from the “UDAR” party Ihor Opadchyi.

According to the investigation, the deputyʼs mother, with the help of his assistant consultant, purchased a 2020 Range Rover Sport car from a legal entity for UAH 65 000.

At the same time, in his declaration for 2023, the deputy noted the use of the car, stating its value at over UAH 2.3 million. After examining the case materials, the court recognized the purchase of a car at a significantly reduced price as a gift to a close person of the deputy, which is prohibited by the law "On Prevention of Corruption".

The Shevchenkivsky District Court of Kyiv found the deputy guilty of part 1 of Art. 172-5 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, fined him UAH 2 550 and confiscated the Range Rover car. Subsequently, the Kyiv Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the court of first instance.

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