Germany allocates €400 million for military support to Ukraine

Oleksandra Amru

The Bundestag decided to increase the financing of military support to Ukraine by about €400 million. This will make it possible to purchase additional air defense equipment, tanks, drones, ammunition and spare parts for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

This was reported by the German government.

In addition, Germany will allocate an additional €170 million in the short term for the restoration of the Ukrainian energy industry.

Germany announced new aid for Ukraine yesterday, September 25, during the second meeting of the participants of the Ukrainian Treaty on the sidelines of the 79th UN General Assembly in New York.

The participants confirmed their solidarity with Ukraine in the war with Russia and determination to continue military, financial and humanitarian support as long as necessary.

During the meeting, the participants adopted a joint declaration of the G7 and other participants of the Treaty on Support for the Economic Recovery and Reconstruction of Ukraine. This once again confirms the alliesʼ desire to help rebuild Ukraine.

Thus, the partners again pledged to fulfill their promise at the G7 summit to provide Kyiv with about $50 billion by the end of the year.

  • Last week, the media informed about new military aid for Ukraine from Germany for €397 million.
  • Germany is one of the European leaders in military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. The Federal Republic of Germany handed the Ukrainian army Leopard 1 and Leopard 2 tanks of various modifications, IRIS-T and Patriot air defense systems, MARS II and M142 HIMARS anti-aircraft guns, Marder IFV and Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, a large number of armored vehicles, vehicles and much more.