SBI completed the investigation into the case of treason against Oleksandr Dubinskyi

Oleksandra Opanasenko

The State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) has completed the investigation into the case of the MP Oleksandr Dubinskyi. He is suspected of working for Russian military intelligence — Dubinskyi allegedly spread pro-Russian narratives for money.

This was reported by the press service of SBI.

The agency does not name the MP, but it follows from the details of the case that it is about Oleksandr Dubinskyi.

The organization in question was exposed in November 2023. The investigation claims that it included Oleksandr Dubinskyi (call sign "Pinocchio"), Andriy Derkach, his former assistant Ihor Kolesnikov (call sign "Veteran", according to the SBU materials he has already been convicted and is serving a sentence for high treason) and Kostyantyn Kulyk (call sign "Ptashka" ).

At the behest of the Russian special services, the suspects allegedly discredited Ukraine on the international stage in order to worsen diplomatic relations with the United States and complicate Ukraineʼs accession to the European Union and NATO. In particular, they organized various media events where they spread fakes about the Ukrainian government and its Western partners.

The investigation claims that the suspects acted on the clear instructions of the Russian special services. Russia allocated more than $10 million for the work of the network. It was created by the deputy chief of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Federation Vladimir Alekseev and led by another top GRU official Aleksei Savin.

The organization had a clear hierarchical structure and a detailed division of responsibilities. Money for the organizationʼs work was transferred to Ukraine through Derkachʼs assistant. But SBI claims that the MPs themselves repeatedly traveled to Russia for meetings with their curators.

In 2022, Derkach was already suspected of treason by NABU. And in September 2024, he became a senator in the Russian Federation Council from the Astrakhan region of Russia. In November 2023, he and his assistant were also informed of the suspicion of participation in a criminal organization.

In the course of the investigation, documents confirming Dubinskyiʼs trips to Russia — to Moscow and St. Petersburg — were also seized. Presumably, he went to meet with Russian "curators", SBI says. According to the plan of the Russian curators, he was supposed to place the necessary emphasis on media events, primarily for the Western audience.

A complex forensic psychological and linguistic examination revealed in Dubinskyiʼs speeches statements aimed at undermining the defense capability, harming the state and economic security of Ukraine.

SBI is also investigating the fact of Dubinskyiʼs purchase of real estate in Spain as part of the criminal proceedings. In particular, itʼs about the purchase of two apartments in Barcelona for €288 000 and €100 000. The common-law wife of the peopleʼs deputy and his mother bought the apartments. Moreover, in the latter, the source of income all these years was only the Ukrainian pension.

Most of the funds for the purchase of apartments in Spain were received by women in their bank accounts from Russia, according to SBI. The money was transferred by two citizens of the Russian Federation who, most likely, are connected to the Russian special services, and one of them even worked in the Putin administration.

All members of the organization, including Dubinskyi, are charged with treason as part of a criminal organization (Part 1 of Article 111 and Part 1 of Article 255 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). They face up to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property.