The Supervisory Board of “Ukrenergo” has appointed the Acting Chairman of the Board

Liza Brovko

The Supervisory Board of NEC "Ukrenergo" has appointed Oleksiy Brecht as acting chairman of the board of "Ukrenergo".

This was reported by the press service.

During the last two years, Brecht was a member of the board of “Ukrenergo”. He was responsible for the operation, restoration and development of the transmission system network. He has been working for the company for 23 years, and in the energy sector for 25 years.

Oleksiy Brecht said that now the main tasks are preparation for the heating season and restoration of objects damaged by Russian shelling.

According to him, "Ukrenergo" will maintain the course to attract international aid to restore the high-voltage network and strengthen its stability. One of the goals is to deepen integration into the European energy space.

  • On August 30, the Ukrainian editions Forbes Ukraine and Economic Truth, citing sources, wrote that the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky at a meeting of the General Headquarters allegedly asked the chairman of the board of “Ukrenergo” Volodymyr Kudrytskyi to write a statement about his resignation due to poor protection of energy facilities. Journalists wrote that Kudrytskyi refused to write a statement. So the supervisory board had to consider his dismissal.
  • On the evening of September 2, the MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak and several Ukrainian media reported on the dismissal of Volodymyr Kudrytskyi from the post of “Ukrenergo” chairman — four members of the supervisory board voted for it. The duties of the chairman of “Ukrenergo” will be performed by the deputy chairman of the board Oleksiy Brecht.
  • On September 3, the head of the Supervisory Board of “Ukrenergo” Daniel Dobbeni and its member Peder Andreasen prematurely terminated their powers due to the dismissal of Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, which is considered to be politically motivated.