A man detonated a grenade near a supermarket and died in the Poltava region

Oleksandra Amru

Late in the evening of September 8, in the city of Lubny (Poltava region), a man detonated a grenade at the entrance to a supermarket on Monastyrska Street, after which he himself died. Three more local residents were injured in the explosion.

This is reported by the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Poltava region.

According to Yevhen Karpets, head of the Lubensk District Police Department, an unknown man threw explosives into the crowd around 11:00 p.m. and fled. As a result, three people — born in 1982, 1983, and 1993 — were injured. They were hospitalized at the Lubensk hospital for intensive treatment. Operatives and investigators established that a 53-year-old local resident was involved in the crime. His body was found near the scene. He probably died from injuries received from a grenade explosion.

According to Suspilne, this happened near one of the ATB stores in the city.

Law enforcement officers opened a criminal case on charges of attempted murder of two or more people (part 2 of article 15, part 1 of part 2 of article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). In addition, due to the death of the suspect, investigators are investigating intentional homicide (part 1 of Article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).