The government supported the draft law banning the use of Russian programs

Olha Bereziuk

The Cabinet of Ministers supported the ban on the use of software and websites of countries against which Ukraine has imposed sanctions. First of all, we are talking about Russia.

This was reported by the press service of the government and the head of the Ministry of Statistics Mykhailo Fedorov.

The draft law proposes to define new types of sectoral sanctions in the Law of Ukraine "On Sanctions". Software will fall under the ban if it is developed:

  • by people or companies from sanctioned states;
  • a company whose share of the authorized capital is owned by the sanctioned state;
  • companies that are under the control of foreign companies or people who carry out terrorist activities;
  • using the source or object code of other sanctioned products;
  • by people subject to sanctions, regardless of their country of origin.

The draft law also proposes to prohibit access to sites belonging to people or organizations under sanctions.

  • Ukraine began massively blocking Russian services in 2018 — then the social networks Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, Yandex, as well as a number of Russian software (in particular, the popular accounting program 1C) were banned.
  • In April 2023, the IT Ukraine association appealed to the Ministry of Digital Affairs with an initiative to ban the use of Russian software by state-owned companies and businesses. The CEO of the association explained that all 1C clones re-registered in EU countries and Russian software subject to sanctions (BAS ERP, AmoCRM, Bitrix) still work without restrictions in Ukraine.