The government simplified the booking of carriers. The main points

Olha Bereziuk

In Ukraine, the reservation of workers from the mobilization for companies engaged in transportation has been simplified.

First Deputy Minister for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine informed about this on Facebook.

The Government and the Ministry of Infrastructure amended two resolutions. Amendments to Reservation Regulation No. 76 now allow carriers to meet only two of the seven critical business criteria (previously three had to be met). For example, it is enough to have an appropriate license and not have tax debt.

Also, the ministry also amended Order No. 303 on criteria for enterprises that are important for the national economy in the field of transport. Among the key changes in the order:

  • expanded the list of enterprises that can be submitted for recognition as critical. Itʼs about carriers that perform irregular transportation and bus stations;
  • added the possibility to apply to companies that performed transportation not only in 2022, but also to those that started operations in 2023 and 2024;
  • canceled the need to confirm the registration of labor relations with employees 180 days before submitting documents.

These changes will enter into force after registration with the Ministry of Justice, probably during the next week, August 5-11. This means that it will be possible to submit packages of documents to the ministry taking into account these changes only after the updated order enters into force.

The changes do not apply to carriers operating on the terms of private enterpreneurs. Currently, no private enterpreneurs, not only carriers, but farmers or construction companies, cannot receive the status of a critical enterprise, as this is against the law. This situation can be corrected only by changes to the law, which will allow booking not only "enterprises, institutions, organizations".

  • In May, the vice-president of the Association of International Road Carriers of Ukraine Volodymyr Balin said that due to imperfect reservation standards, as well as in connection with the entry into force of the law on mobilization, the market of international road transport may be on the verge of stopping.
  • In the same month, a petition appeared on the presidentʼs website asking to allow the mobilization of drivers engaged in international passenger and cargo transportation. At the end of June, she collected the required number of signatures. The President instructed the government to work out the necessary changes.