The situation in Ukraineʼs power system improved after the power units were connected to the NPP

Kostia Andreikovets

The situation in the energy system of Ukraine improved after it was declared on July 17 and July 24 that two nuclear power units, which were repaired ahead of schedule, would be connected.

The Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Halushchenko said that now the situation in the energy system has significantly improved thanks to the efforts of the state company "Energoatom", which connected power units.

There will be fewer power outages in Ukraine, and schedules will shorten. Ukraine felt this back on July 24, when there were no outages at all until 4:00 p.m., and in some regions until 6:00 p.m.

Today, July 25, "Ukrenergo" informed that there will be power outages from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., but only one sequence of blackouts will be in effect.

"The reason is complex: the heat subsided and electricity consumption in Ukraine decreased. This morningʼs consumption is 6% lower than its forecast level (excluding restrictions) for Thursday morning. At the same time, the power deficit also decreased," the operator said in a statement.

  • Atomic generation is the basis of Ukraineʼs energy stability. It was basic before the full-scale Russian invasion and is especially important now. Nuclear energy covers more than half of energy consumption. Thanks to atomic generation, despite the very difficult situation, there is light in Ukraine.
  • Before the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, 15 nuclear power units were operating in Ukraine. Today, 9 power units at three operating nuclear power plants remain under the control of "Energoatom". Their total capacity is 7.8 GW. The largest nuclear power plant in Ukraine — Zaporizhzhia (has 6 units) — has been occupied by the Russian military since the beginning of March 2022. It does not provide electricity to Ukraine.