The International Olympic Committee has determined where the Winter Olympics will be held in 2030 and 2034

Liza Brovko

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has determined the places where the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held in 2030 and 2034 — these are the French Alps and the American Salt Lake City.

Winter Olympics 2030

The French Alps should host the XXVI Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2030 — this is what the members of the International Olympic Committee decided during the 142nd session in Paris.

The Prime Minister of France must guarantee the holding of committee games no later than October 1, 2024, and this decision must be ratified by the French Parliament by March 1, 2025.

The French delegation at the IOC meeting was headed by French President Emmanuel Macron, who declared his countryʼs full commitment to the 2030 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.

"France pushes the boundaries of excellence every time it hosts a sporting event. We believe in the future of our mountains and must support their model of the future: innovative, ambitious, ecological and accessible to all," said Macron.

Meanwhile, IOC President Thomas Bach added that he is confident that France will be able to stage an outstanding Winter Olympics with the same creativity, imagination and flair as it is currently taking place in Paris.

In the final report, the head of the Commission of the future hosts of the Winter Olympic Games, Carl Stoss, concluded that the French Alps 2030 is a credible project with significant public and political support, as well as opportunities. These Games will be the first Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games to fully integrate the new principles of the Olympics. They relate, in particular, to environmental sustainability, benefits for local communities, and saving resources.

Winter Olympics 2034

The American city of Salt Lake City in the state of Utah was chosen as the venue for the XXVII Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2034.

The Salt Lake City delegation was led by Utah Governor Spencer Cox and Mayor Erin Mendenhall, among others.

International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach called Salt Lake City and Utah longtime friends of the Olympic movement and expressed confidence that "they will organize an exceptional Olympic and Paralympic Games, as they did many years ago."

According to the governor, more than 80% of Utah residents supported the stateʼs bid to host the Olympic Games. The Olympics will benefit regional socio-economic development plans.

Salt Lake City hosted the Olympics in 2002, so the venues for the games have been preserved there. At the same time, the city plans to take the best of what it has and complement it with modern capabilities.

  • The Winter Olympics includes such sports as biathlon, snowboarding, figure skating, ski dueling, ice hockey, skeleton, luge, etc.