OSINT and weapons will be taught: the Ministry of Education has developed a project of the “Defense of Ukraine” program for high school

Liza Brovko

The Ministry of Education and Science (MES) has developed a model curriculum project "Defense of Ukraine" for 10-11 grades of schools. After the results of the examination and the order for approval from the Ministry of Education and Culture, the program will receive the stamp "Recommended".

The press service of the Ministry of Education and Culture writes about this.

The updated project of the "Defence of Ukraine" program provides a uniform content for all students, regardless of gender, and includes such topics as innovative technologies, information security, and pre-medical assistance.

During the 10th grade, students will study the basics of national security and defense of Ukraine, principles of management and planning, weapons and military equipment. They will develop practical skills in orientation to the terrain, the basics of engineering fortification, and rifle training.

In the 11th grade, students will study the development of military technologies, features of information security, pre-medical assistance, methods of protecting the civilian population in crisis conditions, opportunities and methods of defense of Ukraine.

Each module is aimed at mastering and practicing specific skills in drone control, information security, navigation, open source intelligence (OSINT), stress and psychological resilience.

The updated program also provides that the training centers for schoolchildren will be equipped with computer simulators for controlling drones, interactive laser shooting simulators and tools for mastering the rules of first aid. And a whole day once a month will be set aside for studying there, so that children can practice practical skills.

So far, more than 100 trainers have been trained, and they will transfer their knowledge to teachers in the regions so that they can effectively teach the new program.

You can familiarize yourself with the text of the program project here.