Excise tax on sweet water and increase in military duty. The government approved a large package of tax increases

Olha Bereziuk

On July 18, the Ukrainian government approved a draft law that provides for an increase in a number of taxes and fees.

This was reported by the representative of the government in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnychuk and the text of the project was published by the MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak.

As the MP notes, the project proposes to raise taxes for a total amount of 140 billion hryvnias. The main changes concern the military levy.

In particular, it is proposed:

  • increase the military tax rate from 1.5% to 5% for individuals;
  • introduce a military levy for legal entities (enterprise income tax payers and single tax payers of groups 3 and 4) — 1% of income;
  • introduce a military levy for private enterpreneurs of groups 1, 2 and 4 — 5% of the two minimum salaries per month (in total — 800 hryvnias per month);
  • introduce a military levy for private enterpreneurs of group 3 — 1% of income (in total, such private enterpreneurs will pay 6% of income: 5% — single tax, 1% — military levy).

The project also proposes to introduce separate military levy rates for:

  • sale of jewelry (30%);
  • purchase of bank metals (5%);
  • purchase of cars subject to first state registration (15%);
  • provision of mobile services (5%);
  • sale of real estate by individuals (5%).

The draft law proposes to introduce monthly advance income tax payments for taxpayers engaged in fuel retail trade. It will amount to 0.5% of the minimum wage (now it is 40 hryvnias) per cubic meter of fuel storage tanks.

The document also provides that parcels imported into Ukraine with a value of more than €45 will be taxed (previously they were taxed more than €150). Moreover, such parcels must be sent without any payment, intended for family or personal use and in a quantity that does not involve their further sale.

Another proposal of the project: to introduce an excise tax on mineral and carbonated waters with added sugar and other sweetening or flavoring substances at the rate of €0.1 per liter.