The Cabinet of Ministers allocates UAH 1.65 billion to update the “Defense of Ukraine” course

Kostia Andreikovets

The Cabinet of Ministers allocates 1.65 billion hryvnias for the purchase of modern equipment for the updated "Defense of Ukraine" course, which will be taken by schoolchildren.

This was announced by the Minister of Digital Transformation, Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Development of Education, Science and Technology Mykhailo Fedorov.

"Defense of Ukraine" training centers will be created in the cities. One will be for 5-10 schools or a community. A well-equipped center will mean that children from different schools will have equal access to high-quality equipment and comfortable premises," said Fedorov.

Equipment for cells will be purchased through Prozorro Market. These are interactive laser shooting simulators, drone control simulators (they include a drone, interactive glasses, a remote control and other equipment), training ranges and models, first-aid kits and simulators for cardiac resuscitation, a defibrillator simulator, turnstiles, etc.

Fedorov explained that in the conditions of a technological war, children should be able to work with such equipment from school, because this is the basis of a safe future. In parallel, the training of teachers who will teach the course "Defense of Ukraine" is underway.

  • In May 2024, the Verkhovna Rada voted to update the system of initial combined military training, which is taught in 10-11 grades of schools and colleges. It is about the full-fledged launch of the "Defense of Ukraine" subject, which replaced the pre-conscription training of young men (DPY). The purpose of the subject is to teach boys and girls the basics of national resistance, handling weapons and drone control, tactical medicine, etc.