Ukraine and Romania concluded a security agreement.

Liza Brovko

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi and President Klaus Iohannis signed the Agreement on Security Cooperation between Ukraine and Romania. It will operate for ten years.

Romania will transfer the Patriot air defense system to Ukraine, facilitate the rapid transit of equipment through its territory to Ukraine, and continue to support Kyiv, in particular its defense industry. Bucharest, together with its partners, will help the F-16 training center to train Ukrainian pilots.

Ukraine and Romania will hold an annual strategic dialogue on defense and security policy issues at the level of senior officials.

A feature of the agreement are specific points of cooperation to strengthen security in the Black Sea region. The Romanians will help the Ukrainians to mine the Black Sea and provide support through EU and NATO instruments.

The agreement provides for a 24-hour emergency response mechanism in case of repeated Russian aggression against Ukraine or significant escalation.

Political support. NATO

Romania supports the Ukrainian peace formula, participates in it and will continue to contribute to strengthening food security, in particular by providing sea and river logistics.

Ukraine and Romania will strengthen bilateral relations to the level of strategic partnership in order to cooperate more closely in the political, defense, security, trade-economic, maritime, scientific and cultural spheres.

Romania will support Ukraine in its integration into the EU and NATO. She confirms that the future of Ukraine lies in NATO.

Romania and Ukraine will continue to support and consider compatibility through the adapted Annual National Program (ANP) of Ukraine. Bucharest will continue to support Ukraine through NATOʼs Comprehensive Assistance Package (CPA).

Security of the Black Sea region

Ukraine and Romania will strengthen international cooperation and coordination in the field of maritime security, particularly in the context of existing or new instruments, mechanisms and initiatives. And they will advocate for a broader NATO presence in the Black Sea region.

Romania will contribute to the development of the potential of the maritime territory of Ukraine, the development of the Ukrainian navy.

The countries will seek to strengthen multilateral cooperation with other countries of the region, including Moldova.


Romania will contribute to the development of the future Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine, which will be able to deter and repel any armed aggression. It will support Ukraine with tools developed by the European Union and NATO, such as the European Peace Fund and NATOʼs Comprehensive Assistance Package.

Romania will provide individual and collective training for the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine, train instructors. The countries will share experiences, focusing on how new technological developments affect armed conflict, including drones and artificial intelligence.

Ukraine and Romania will cooperate in the field of intelligence and counterintelligence. Bucharest will help Kyiv detect, contain and stop Russiaʼs intelligence and subversive activities. This also applies to cyber security.

The Agreement also contains clauses on countering the risks of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons, humanitarian demining, maintaining the stability of critical infrastructure, holding Russia accountable for the war, compensating Russia for damages, sanctions, and rebuilding Ukraine.

  • In total, Ukraine has already signed 23 bilateral security agreements — with Great Britain, Germany, France, Denmark, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Latvia, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Japan, the USA, the EU, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Luxembourg and Romania.