The Clooney Foundation and two other organizations filed a complaint with the UN demanding reparations from the Russian Federation for the relatives of those killed in the Vinnytsia shelling

Liza Brovko

Non-governmental organizations Clooney Foundation "For Justice";, Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) and Truth Hounds filed a complaint with the UN Human Rights Committee on behalf of 18 Ukrainians who were affected by the Russian missile attack on Vinnytsia on August 14, 2022. Then 29 people died, more than 200 were injured.

This is stated in the press release of the organizations, the text of which is at the disposal of Babel.

The complaint states that Russia violated the right to life of all the victims due to its strike on Vinnytsia. The Russian army attacked the city with three Kalibr missiles.

The case against Russia was built for two years — it took time for investigation and legal analysis.

If the UN Committee accepts the arguments of the organizations, the complaint will set a precedent at the global level and will help hold Russia accountable for its invasion of Ukraine. In this case, the Committeeʼs decision will emphasize the obligations of the state (in this case, Russia) to provide, for example, compensation.

The joint complaint calls on the UN Human Rights Committee to ensure justice for the family victims of the Vinnytsia shelling and to recognize that Russiaʼs actions violated the victimsʼ right to life, as well as to order the payment of reparations to the families of the victims.