From now on, summonses will not be filled out by hand — they will be formed with the help of Oberih registry

Liza Brovko

The government adopted a resolution that allows territorial recruitment and social support centers (TCC) to fill out the summons not by hand, but to form it with the help of the Unified State Register of Conscripts.

The Ministry of Defense writes about this.

Previously, TCC operators issued subpoenas manually, which took a lot of time and resources. Now they can be formed and printed using the Oberih registry.

Also, TCC operators will be able to sign subpoenas using a qualified electronic signature. At the same time, the method of notifying conscripts remains unchanged. Summonses will be served in person or by mail.

Innovations should reduce the paper burden on TCCs and optimize military accounting processes.

What data is in Oberih?

There are personal data on all conscript Ukrainians aged 18 to 60. They are taken from various state registers, as well as collected in military commissariats. In particular, these are personal data, such as full name, place of residence, place of work, service data, such as service or participation in military operations.

  • Earlier, Deputy Minister of Defense Kateryna Chornohorenko previously stated that the Ministry of Defense plans to add electronic referrals for military medical examination, introduce online recruiting and training in military specialties through the "Rezerv+" application. At the same time, there is no question of electronic subpoenas until the relevant law is adopted.