WP learned the details of Krotevychʼs statement, which he wrote to Sodol

Sofiia Telishevska

The American publication Washington Post (WP) got access to the complaint of the chief of staff of the “Azov” brigade Bohdan Krotevych, which he wrote against the former commander of the United Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yurii Sodol.

Former Commander of the United Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Yurii Sodol.

It is about the list of complaints with which Krotevych addressed the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI). He publicly spoke about this step, but did not specify which general he was talking about and what exactly he did wrong. WP provides the content of the statement.

According to their data, Krotevych complained that Sodol did not lead the defense of Mariupol and did not spend a single hour in the city, but despite this he received the title of Hero of Ukraine. In addition, Sodol allegedly did not supply the "Azov" brigade with ammunition and did not ensure the presence of defensive structures in Mariupol before the Russian offensive.

The publication also cites a situation when one of the commanders asked Sodol to announce the plan of action, but heard in response: “Weʼre screwed”. After that, the general hung up.

Krotevych assures that Sodol, commanding the eastern front, ordered "Azov" to advance, although the brigade did not have enough artillery ammunition for this. The fighters argued why this is now impossible, after which an investigation was started against the commander of "Azov".

  • On June 23, the chief of staff of the “Azov” brigade of the National Guard Bohdan Krotevych announced that he had written a letter to the State Bureau of Investigation with a call to open an investigation into one military general. According to Krotevych, he "killed more Ukrainian soldiers than any Russian general."
  • On June 24, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky dismissed the commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Yurii Sodol, and replaced him with Brigadier General Andrii Hnatov.