An ex-employee of the General Prosecutorʼs Office Shcherbyna was given 6 years for extorting $150 000 for the then head of the SBI Truba

Olha Bereziuk

The High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) sentenced former employee of the then General Prosecutorʼs Office (PGO) Ihor Shcherbyna to 6 years for extorting a bribe for the former director of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) Roman Truba.

The Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutorʼs Office (SAP) writes about it.

SAP does not indicate the specific name of the defendant, but it is clear from the details of the case and published photos that it is about Shcherbyna.

The court also decided to confiscate all of Shcherbynaʼs property and deprive him of the rank of senior adviser of justice.

Shcherbyna was taken into custody in the courtroom to comply with the courtʼs decision. He has 30 days to file an appeal.

Shcherbynaʼs case

Shcherbynaʼs case has been going on since 2019. According to the investigation, he demanded a bribe of $150 000 from one of the capitalʼs developer companies to bribe the then head of the SBI Roman Truba.

He, in exchange for money, was supposed to ensure the closure of criminal proceedings regarding the actions of the mentioned developer company. Shcherbyna and the businessman-intermediary were detained after the first part of the bribe in the amount of $75 000.

At the same time, in December 2019, Shcherbyna and the businessman were sent under arrest, but within a few days both were released after paying bail.