Representatives of the Russian Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights appeared for the first time at the prisoner exchange

Liza Brovko

For the first time, during the exchange of prisoners of war between Ukraine and Russia, representatives of the Russian Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights arrived at the site.

This was reported by Ukrainian Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets.

Representatives of the two offices interviewed Ukrainian and Russian soldiers released from captivity.

The former Russian prisoners of war said that they were fed, in particular, they were thanked for the delicious bread, they were given medical care, they were allowed to call their relatives, correspond and in general, the norms of the Geneva Convention applied to them.

Meanwhile, the released Ukrainian defenders noted that their detention conditions did not meet the norms of the Geneva Conventions. Representatives of Russia recorded the announced violations.

The Ombudsman of Ukraine stated that he hopes that the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights of Russia will make "maximum efforts to improve the conditions of detention of prisoners of war." There are no guarantees that the Russian Federation will do it.

  • On June 25, Ukraine exchanged prisoners with Russia — 90 Ukrainians returned home. The Russian side also received 90 of its prisoners. It was the 53rd exchange of prisoners of war. To date, it has been possible to return 3,300 Ukrainians.