Blackout in the Balkans: Electricity went out in several countries

Liza Brovko

Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Greece remained without electricity. The entire energy system of the Balkans collapsed.

Local media Avaz and SOT write about it.

Millions of people were left without electricity and partly without water supply due to a system failure that occurred on a power line in Montenegro. Then failures began on other lines.

Currently, the energy companies of the countries are working to restore electricity, and their representatives say that there are no failures at the production facilities. They are trying to establish contact with Croatia, but the tension is too high.

It is assumed that the reasons for the mass blackout in several Balkan countries were large volumes of electricity transmission and extreme temperatures. For example, in the capital of Albania, Tirana, the air warmed up to +40 °C, in the capital of Montenegro, Podgorica — up to +38 °C.

The official reason for the blackout has not yet been released.

  • Four tourists died in Greece due to abnormal heat. The authorities closed tourist facilities in Athens and outside the city. The highest temperature was recorded in Crete: the thermometer reached +44.5 °C.