The Netherlands has removed the last obstacle to the start of negotiations on the accession of Ukraine and Moldova to the EU

Kostia Andreikovets

The Parliament of the Netherlands voted to approve the negotiating framework for the accession of Ukraine and Moldova to the European Union. This was the last obstacle to the formal start of the negotiation process.

This is reported by Euractiv.

Now, on June 25, an intergovernmental conference will be held, which will give an official start to the negotiations on the accession of Ukraine and Moldova to the EU.

Back in March 2024, the European Commission prepared a negotiating framework for Ukraineʼs membership in the European Union. And already at the beginning of April, the European Commission recommended starting negotiations on Ukraineʼs accession to the European Union. On June 14 , EU ambassadors agreed on the framework of negotiations.

When will Ukraine become a member of the EU?

This will happen only after Ukraine fulfills all requirements and fully implements all European standards. Ukraine received the status of a candidate country for joining the European Union on June 23, 2022. At the same time, the European Commission provided Ukraine with an action plan for the start of accession negotiations. It contains a number of reforms and laws that Ukraine needs to adopt. Kyiv fulfilled this first task. More global reforms are ahead. The sooner Ukraine reforms, the sooner it can become a member of the EU.