The President of Kazakhstan commented on the attack on a Kazakh journalist in Kyiv

Liza Brovko

The President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev reacted to the attack on Kazakh journalist and oppositionist Aidos Sadikov, who was shot by an unknown assailant on June 18.

This is reported by the Kazakh publication Tengrinews.

Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev instructed diplomatic agencies and law enforcement agencies to send official inquiries to Ukraine regarding the incident. And he also stated that, if necessary, Kazakh state authorities are ready to join the investigation.

"You know my principled position: law and order should prevail in the country... All conflicts and disagreements in our society should be resolved exclusively in the legal field, based on current legislation, in accordance with basic international norms," Tokayev said.

Journalist Aydos Sadikov was shot by an unknown assailant while he was in a car with his wife. The woman was not injured, and the man is in a serious condition in the hospital.

Aidos Sadikov is a Kazakh journalist, head of the BASE opposition internet media. On this YouTube channel, which Sadikov runs together with his wife, he criticizes the authorities of Kazakhstan and the oligarchs.

He was criminally prosecuted in his homeland. In 2010, he was sentenced to two years in prison on charges of "hooliganism", and was released in 2012. Sadikov and his supporters called the criminal case fabricated. Sadikov was engaged in active social activities, organized protest actions.

In 2014, the couple moved to Kyiv after a criminal case was opened against Natalia Sadikova in Kazakhstan.

In October 2023, the Sadykovs were declared wanted in Kazakhstan for "inciting social, national, tribal, state or religious enmity."