New changes in the list of signatories of the Peace Summit communique: Rwanda has disappeared, but the Ecumenical Patriarchate has appeared

Olha Bereziuk

Following Iraq and Jordan, Rwanda removed its signature under the joint communiqué of the Global Peace Summit.

This is evidenced by the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland.

Previously, Rwanda was on the list of countries on the screen during the international event and on the website of the Swiss Federal Department.

At the same time, the Ecumenical Patriarchate, which had observer status at the Summit, appeared in the list.

Global Peace Summit

The two-day Peace Summit was convened on the initiative of Ukraine and was held on June 15-16 in the Swiss resort of Bürgenstock. Representatives of Ukraine, 91 states and 8 international organizations took part in the Summit. Russia was not invited, but in Moscow they made it clear in advance that they were not interested in participating.

Due to the absence of the Russian Federation at the summit, some countries, in particular China, refused to send their representatives to the meeting, as they consider it useless without the participation of "both sides of the conflict."

According to the results of the summit in Switzerland, a communiqué was signed with three main points:

  • Nuclear safety. The nuclear power plant must work under the control of Ukraine, threats with nuclear weapons are unacceptable.
  • Global food security. It is necessary to ensure access to seaports in the Black and Azov seas.
  • All prisoners of war, illegally detained civilians must be released, and deported children must be returned.