Reuters published the draft declaration, which was worked out on the first day of the Peace Summit

Sofiia Telishevska

All Ukrainian prisoners of war must be released, and children deported from Ukraine must return home. Such requirements are contained in the draft final declaration of the Peace Summit, developed on the first day of its work.

The draft declaration is available to the Reuters agency.

The document places responsibility on Russia for the war in Ukraine, which has caused great human suffering and destruction. The project also contains a call to Russia to respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine, a demand to hand over control of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant to Kyiv and to open access to ports in the Black and Azov seas.

  • The two-day Peace Summit was convened on the initiative of Ukraine, on June 15 it opened in the Swiss resort of Bürgenstock. Representatives of Ukraine, 91 states and 8 international organizations are participating in the Summit. Russia was not invited, but in Moscow they made it clear in advance that they were not interested in participating. China refused to send a representative to the meeting. The US delegation was led by Vice President Kamala Harris, who left the conference after the first day of work. She met with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, and announced Washingtonʼs allocation of $1.5 billion for Ukraine.