MPs accused the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of hacking the parliamentʼs electronic system in order to maintain high salaries

Kostia Andreikovets

MPs Halyna Tretyakova ("Servant of the People") and Oleksandr Ustinov ("Voice") accused the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of hacking the parliamentʼs electronic system, which is a crime.

They wrote on their Facebook that the draft resolution on reducing the number of Apparatus employees (currently 1 150) and, accordingly, minimizing their salaries, was registered in the system. The project was signed by almost 100 deputies, and now 13 signatures have physically disappeared. Ustinova stated that only the representatives of the Apparatus can do this — MPs do not have access to the system.

Tretyakov writes that there are currently 200 empty seats in the Apparatus, at the expense of which exorbitant bonuses were paid to others.

"For your understanding: the salary of the head of the secretariat or deputy fluctuates at the level of 1.2-1.5 million hryvnias, while the head of the committee and deputies receive 400-500 thousand per year. That is, 40 000 per month," adds Ustinova.

Deputies say that when the employees of the Apparatus found out about the project, they started calling and threatening peopleʼs deputies, and then they manually removed the signatures. At the same time, deputies are threatened by the head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Apparatus Vyacheslav Shtuchny.

Tretyakov and Ustinova declared the crime. The latter published screenshots from the system with deleted signatures.

  • The estimate of the Verkhovna Rada for 2024 foresees budget funding for the Management of the Affairs of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Apparatus in the amount of 2.95 billion hryvnias, which is more than 300 million more than what was planned for last year.