English has become the most popular elective subject at NMST

Sofiia Telishevska

In 2024, English became the most popular subject of choice among applicants who took the National Multi-Subject Test (NMST).

This was reported by the director of the Ukrainian Center for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education (UCEA) Tetyana Vakulenko on the air of the telethon.

"The English language is the absolute leader. After her, geography, biology and Ukrainian literature have quite high indicators," the speaker noted.

At the same time, according to her, quite a few NMST participants choose physics and chemistry.

"Also, other foreign languages (besides English) are not very popular — German, French, Spanish," she noted.

About the National Multi-Subject Test (NMST)

This year, the main session of the NMST takes place from May 14 to June 25, and the additional session from July 11 to 19.

Entrants will take an exam in four subjects. The Ukrainian language, mathematics, as well as the history of Ukraine are mandatory. You can choose from Ukrainian literature, a foreign language (English, Spanish, German, French), biology, physics, chemistry or geography.

The examination of four subjects will be held on one day. First, 120 minutes will be given for Ukrainian and mathematics, then a break for 20 minutes, and after the exam on the history of Ukraine and a discipline of your choice.