Canada transfers the first four ACVS sanitary armored vehicles to Ukraine. There will be 50 of them in total

Kostia Andreikovets

Canada is handing Ukraine the first four ACSV sanitary armored vehicles from a batch of 50 Canadian-made vehicles.

This was reported by the Minister of Defense of the country Bill Blair.

First, the machines go to Europe, where the Ukrainian military will train on them. Then the cars will go to the front.

“These state-of-the-art armored vehicles will perform a wide range of tasks on the battlefield, including transporting troops, providing secure command and control locations and providing medical evacuation. These ACSVs, which are also used by the Canadian military, provide a high degree of maneuverability and protection for their crews and payloads,” the Canadian Ministry of Defense said.

  • In total, Ukraine will receive 50 ACVS units within three years. Canada allocated $650 million for them back in September 2023. At that time, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said during the visit of President Volodymyr Zelensky that armored vehicles are manufactured in the city of London, Ontario.