Ukraine signed a €100 million loan agreement with the Development Bank of the Council of Europe for compensation for destroyed housing

Kostia Andreikovets

Ukraine signed a loan agreement with the Development Bank of the Council of Europe regarding compensation for destroyed housing. The parties finally concluded a loan agreement for €100 million under the project "HOME: Compensation for destroyed residential property".

This is reported by the government portal.

The project will be implemented by the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine. The money will go to compensation for housing destroyed by the war. Priority will be given to supporting the most vulnerable citizens, including combatants, people with disabilities and large families. It is expected that more than 2 000 families will receive new housing for the specified funds.

"As a result of the agreement signed today, more than two thousand families whose homes were destroyed will be able to receive compensation and rebuild their homes. Exactly one year ago, the compensation mechanism became operational, and exactly one year ago, Ukraine became a member of the Bank. And now we have the first promising project. I am sure that it will be the beginning of our long-term productive cooperation," said Deputy Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure Nataliia Kozlovska.

  • The Ministry of Reconstruction of Ukraine began preparing a joint project with the Development Bank of the Council of Europe for capital repairs of damaged apartment buildings as early as August 2023.
  • According to the government, the housing sector in Ukraine continues to be one of the most affected by the war — more than 10% of the total housing stock is damaged or destroyed, affecting the lives of about two million households.