The text of the security agreement between Ukraine and Belgium has appeared. The main points

Olha Bereziuk

Ukraine and Belgium signed a ten-year security agreement. The countries will strengthen long-term security cooperation in the military and non-military spheres, the agreement states.

Belgium will continue to provide long-term military support to Ukraine, contribute to financial support and Ukraineʼs integration into the Euro-Atlantic community, in particular the EU and NATO.

Military assistance and defense capability support

As of April 30, 2024, Belgium has provided aid to Ukraine in the total amount of more than one billion euros, of which €898 million is military support. In 2024, Belgium will allocate at least €977 million in military aid to Ukraine.

Belgium plans to provide continuous military support to Ukraine in the land, air, sea, space and cyber-electromagnetic spheres.

Belgium will also support efforts aimed at ensuring the Ukrainian F-16 potential. By the end of 2024, the country wants to deliver the first fighter jets to Ukraine, and by 2028 — to hand over at least 30 F-16 aircraft. The country will also engage in the training of pilots and technical personnel, long-term maintenance of fighter jets and creation of proper conditions for their operation in Ukraine.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Prime Minister of Belgium Alexander De Croo.

As for maritime security, Brussels has already joined the UDCG mine clearance coalition and will provide Ukraine with one anti-mine boat.

Belgium will continue to actively purchase ammunition for the Ukrainian Defense Forces, in particular within the framework of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine ("Ramstein Group"). The country is also contributing €200 million to the Czech-led ammunition procurement initiative.

In addition, Belgium will support the integration of the Ukrainian defense industry into the defense and security structures of the EU and NATO. Ukraine and Belgium will implement joint projects to increase the potential and production volumes of the Ukrainian defense industry.

Humanitarian aid and economic cooperation

The agreement provides for multi-year financing by Belgium to alleviate the consequences of the war in Ukraine and rebuild critical infrastructure.

Starting in May 2024, the Belgian development agency Enabelin cooperation with the authorities of Ukraine, the city of Chernihiv and the Chernihiv region will develop and implement a multi-year assistance program, focusing on the education and health sectors, as well as paying special attention to energy efficiency.

Also, Belgium will continue to actively work within the EU to ensure macro-financial support for Ukraine. Belgium will support cooperation with the private sector, in particular through mechanisms for Ukraine within the framework of the Belgian export credit agency Credendo and the Belgian investment company BIO.

In the context of its IMF membership, including the appointment of a Belgian Executive Director in November 2024 for the next four years, Belgium will ensure that the IMF and its staff continue to work closely with the Ukrainian authorities.

Political support, sanctions and reforms

Belgium will continue diplomatic efforts aimed at promoting the Ukrainian peace formula, including its peace summits, among its partner states around the world.

Belgium also advocates the continuation of sanctions against the Russian Federation as long as the aggressive war against Ukraine continues and the territorial integrity of Ukraine is not restored. The country supports the strengthening of export restrictions for companies from third countries that help circumvent EU sanctions.

Belgium will support Ukraine in the investigation and prosecution of international crimes committed by the Russian invasion and occupation forces.

Belgium will continue to support the work of the Register of Damages and work on the creation of a compensation mechanism for reparations for damages caused by Russian aggression.

Belgium will also support Ukraineʼs reform efforts on the way to future membership in the EU and NATO. Ukraine, for its part, undertakes to implement the reforms defined by the EU, the IMF and NATO.

Cooperation in the event of a future Russian attack

If Russia attacks Ukraine again in the future, the parties to the agreement will hold consultations on a bilateral basis within 24 hours.

In this case, Belgium undertakes to provide Ukraine with quick and permanent security, economic assistance and available military equipment, and will seek agreement in the EU regarding the imposition of economic and other sanctions on Russia.

The security agreement between Belgium and Ukraine entered into force on May 28, 2024.