The staff of the General Staff will be reduced by 60%, and some soldiers will be sent to combat units

Olha Bereziuk

The General Staff optimizes the staff of some structural divisions and military administration bodies. In particular, it is planned to reduce the number of personnel by 60%.

The head of the Main Department of Defense Planning of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yevhenii Ostryanskyi told about this at the briefing.

According to him, this process includes the disbandment of a number of military organizational structures, the formation of new ones, as well as the optimization of existing ones.

This is done in order to eliminate duplication of functions, as well as to reduce staff by 60%.

At the expense of the released personnel, it is planned to re-staff the management bodies of the operational and tactical levels, as well as combat military units. This will make it possible to rotate units that have been in the combat zone for a long time.

In addition, measures are being taken to improve the structure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including the formation of the Command of the Unmanned Systems Forces.