“Ukrzaliznytsia” shortens the travel time from Kyiv to Warsaw

Liza Brovko

The travel time from Kyiv to Warsaw by “Ukrzaliznytsia” (UZ) train will be reduced by 1 hour 23 minutes from June 9. This will be possible thanks to the optimization of border and customs operations at the Dorogusk station (Poland).

The press service of the carrier writes about it.

Therefore, from June 9, train No. 67 Kyiv — Warsaw will depart from Kyiv-Pasajyrsky station at 19:45 (instead of 18:19) and will arrive in the Polish capital at 10:18 (instead of 10:15).

Train No. 68 Warsaw — Kyiv will depart from the Warsaw Vskhodnia station at 5:48 p.m. (instead of 5:50 p.m.) and will arrive in the Ukrainian capital at 12:13 p.m. (instead of 12:17 p.m.).

Also, "Ukrzaliznytsia" adjusted the schedules of trains in connection with Chelm, in order to reduce the travel time and the waiting time of passengers when transferring from Polish connecting flights.

Train No. 119 Dnipro — Kyiv — Khelm will depart from Dnipro at 9:48 p.m., from the Kyiv-Passenger station at 06:27—06:47 a.m. and arrive at the final stop at 4:33 p.m. (instead of 5:20 p.m.).

Train No. 120 Khelm — Kyiv — Dnipro will depart from Khelm station at 10:37 a.m. (instead of 10:27 a.m.), from Kyiv-Pasazhyrskyi station at 10:39 p.m. — 11:13 p.m. and arrive at the final stop at 07:28 a.m.

Train No. 19 Kyiv — Khelm will depart from the Kyiv-Pasajyrsky station at 19:45 (instead of 18:19) and arrive at the final stop at 05:42 (instead of 04:55).

Train No. 20 Khelm — Kyiv will depart from the Khelm station at 22:43 (instead of 23:40) and arrive at the final stop at 12:13 (instead of 12:17).

Train No. 23 Kyiv — Khelm will depart from the Kyiv-Pasajyrsky station at 21:41 (instead of 22:40) and arrive at the final stop at 11:15 (instead of 11:05).

Train No. 24 Khelm — Kyiv will depart from Khelm station at 15:55 (instead of 16:42) and will arrive at the final stop at 05:13 (instead of 05:39).

You can buy tickets according to the updated schedule, which will be effective from June 9, in the UZ application and on the website.