The Ministry of Strategy and Industry has expanded the list of criteria for reservations from mobilization at defense enterprises

Kostia Andreikovets

The Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine has expanded the list of criteria for reservation employees of the defense-industrial complex.

This is reported on the ministryʼs website.

The agency has made changes to the criteria for determining enterprises that are important for the national economy. Compliance with these criteria becomes the basis for further reservation of conscript workers.

Decisions apply to enterprises, institutions and organizations involved in the production of goods, performance of works and provision of defense services for the development, manufacture, repair, modernization and disposal of weapons, military and special equipment, ammunition and their components. Such enterprises and institutions must meet one of two criteria:

  • To be an executor or co-executor of a contract with a state customer in the field of defense (production of military goods, related works and services) or to be a party to a contract on the production of defense goods at the expense of extrabudgetary funds not prohibited by law. At the same time, defense goods must be supplied to military units and military formations, and more than 50% of the enterpriseʼs total output must be defense goods, works and services (for the last reporting period).
  • Receive government financial support in the form of grants in accordance with the Procedure for providing financial support to ensure the development of innovations and technologies for defense needs (Brave1).

"The first [criterion] combines the two that were in force until now, while adding extra-budgetary sources of financing. And the second one makes it possible to get a reason for reservation to companies that are at the stage of developing their product in the field of defense industry," the ministry explained.

In fact, factories and companies that produce weapons and equipment for the Ukrainian army will have more chances to reserve their workers.

The list of necessary documents and the algorithm of actions for companies is here.