Oleg Hladkovskyi was arrested in absentia in connection with the purchase of cars for the army

Olha Bereziuk

High Anti-Corruption Court sent to custody in absentia the former first deputy secretary of the National Security Council, suspected of abuses in the purchase of cars for the army. The name of the suspect has not been specified, but it follows from the details of the case that it is Oleg Hladkovskyi.

This was reported by the SAPO press service.

According to the investigation, Hladkovsky ensured the entry into the state defense order and the subsequent purchase at state expense of MAZ 6317 (Bohdan 6317) trucks at inflated prices from the subsidiary "Automobile Assembly Plant No. 2", which is part of the "Bohdan" corporation.

At the same time, Hladkovsky himself and his relatives have a share of ownership in the "Bohdan" company.

It also turned out that cars were bought at illegally inflated prices. As a result, the state overpaid 17.44 million hryvnias.