The Ministry of Defense has published a list of diseases that can be mobilized

Oleksandra Amru

The Ministry of Defense has published a list of diseases with which a conscript will be considered fit for service. This list is contained in the order of the Ministry of Defense "On Approval of Amendments to the Regulation on Military Medical Examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine", which will enter into force tomorrow.

From May 4, there will be no status of limited fitness for military service. At the same time, according to the state of health, any man of conscription age will be able to be recognized as either fit, or unfit, or fit for service in military support units, territorial recruit centers, higher military educational institution, educational centers, institutions, medical units, units of logistics, communications, operational support, security.

As an example, diseases with which conscripts will be considered fully fit include the following:

  • residual changes after cured tuberculosis of various localizations;
  • chronic viral hepatitis with little or no functional impairment;
  • disease caused by HIV (stable), or asymptomatic HIV carrier, with immune compensation;
  • neoplasm in the phase of long-term stable remission after specific treatment;
  • neoplasms with minor functional disorders;
  • slowly progressing and non-progressing blood diseases with minor functional disorders and rare exacerbations;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders with minor functional disorders;
  • permanent compensations for the consequences of an acute brain disease or a closed craniocerebral injury;
  • mild mental disorders with recovery;
  • inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system with minor functional disorders;
  • slowly progressing diseases of the central nervous system with minor functional disorders;
  • episodic and paroxysmal disorders, except for epilepsy, with minor violations of the functions of organs and systems;
  • diseases of the external ear, medium-severe bilateral deafness;
  • stage I hypertension;
  • diseases with minor disturbances of external breathing function;
  • liver diseases with minor functional disorders;
  • peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum with minor functional disorders;
  • arthrosis and other joint damage with minor functional impairments and others.

And the following diseases will be considered suitable for service in the rear:

  • clinically cured tuberculosis;
  • chronic viral hepatitis with moderate functional disorders;
  • diseases caused by HIV, with immune subcompensation;
  • with the condition after radical surgical treatment of the primary tumor; lower lip cancer, skin cancer;
  • blood diseases that progress slowly with moderate functional disorders and frequent exacerbations, and others;
  • benign neoplasms with moderate functional disorders.

A complete schedule of diseases, conditions and disabilities that determine eligibility for military service can be found here in Chapter 24.

At the end of April, the director of the health care department of the Ministry of Defense, Oksana Sukhorukova, reported that those fit for military service will also be divided into four categories — according to the tasks they can perform.