The UN Court rejected the lawsuit against Germany in the case of genocide in the Gaza Strip

Olha Bereziuk

The International Court of Justice in The Hague rejected Nicaraguaʼs genocide claim against Germany.

The decision is published on the courtʼs website.

In the lawsuit, Nicaragua insisted that Germany, by providing political, financial and military support to Israel, "facilitates the commission of genocide and does not fulfill its obligation to do everything possible to prevent genocide."

Nicaragua demanded that Berlin be barred from providing military and other support to Israel.

However, the court decided not to take any extraordinary measures to limit Germany from providing arms and other aid to Israel.

  • This is not the first complaint to the UN Security Council related to the war in the Middle East. Earlier, South Africa filed a complaint against Israel, accusing it of genocide against the Palestinian population. Several other countries joined the complaint, including Ireland. In January, the UN International Court of Justice ruled in a ruling on interim measures that Israel must take all measures to prevent acts of genocide in the Gaza Strip, but did not order an immediate ceasefire.