The weather in Kyiv continues to break temperature records — April 2 was the warmest since 2017

Sofiia Telishevska

Meteorological records were set in Kyiv for the third day in a row. On Tuesday, April 2, there were four of them at once.

This was reported by the Central Geophysical Observatory named after Borys Sreznevsky.

The day before, the minimum air temperature in the capital turned out to be the highest for that day — +12.1 °C, the previous record value recorded in 1951 was exceeded by 2.4 °C.

The maximum air temperature was recorded at +26.9 °C, which is 3.8 °C higher than the previous record of 2017.

The average daily air temperature turned out to be the highest for this date for the entire time of observation — +16.4 °С, which exceeded the previous record of 1990 and 2017 by 2.4 °С, and the climatic norm — by 9.9 °С.

The fourth record concerns wind speed: on April 2, the maximum wind speed in Kyiv reached a record 19 mps (68 kmph), which was 1 mps higher than the previous maximum value for that day, registered in 2018.