For the first time, Ukraine got through the winter only on its own gas

Sofiia Telishevska

In 2023, Ukraine went through the winter for the first time, using only gas from its own production.

The head of the “Naftogaz of Ukraine” Oleksiy Chernyshov informed about this.

"The first day of spring. This means that you and I spent the winter entirely on Ukrainian gas! A historic event," he emphasized.

According to him, a few years ago it was "hard to believe", but Ukrainian gas producers did it and plan to continue to support the trend of energy independence of Ukraine.

  • At the beginning of December 2023, “Naftogaz” announced that they planned to spend this winter entirely on Ukrainian gas. The company noted that Ukraine is increasing the volume of its own gas production, and these indicators are growing. In 2023, “Naftogaz” launched a record number of new wells, and this trend was promised to continue in 2024.