The Swedish factory Nammo switched to 24-hour work to produce ammunition for Ukraine

Sofiia Telishevska

The Norwegian-Finnish munitions manufacturer Nammo has decided to switch to a 24-hour working schedule at its plant in Sweden in order to fulfill an order for Ukraine. This was reported by the Swedish publication Dagens Nyheter.

We are talking about the plant in the Swedish city of Karlskuga, where 155-mm ammunition is produced — five-shift production was introduced there, seven days a week, which will ensure uninterrupted work.

Nammo Vice President Bjorn Andersson is convinced that the company will produce twice as much ammunition at the end of this year than at the beginning of 2022.

At the same time, the representatives of the company say that even despite the intensification of the capacity, it is not enough to cover the demand of Ukraine in general and to replenish the depleted stocks of European countries.

However, Andersson emphasized that it is not enough to increase the staff and expand the factory to be able to make more shells. To increase supply, Nammo needs efforts in several countries where components are manufactured.

In particular, shell casings are manufactured in Norway and Finland. And one of the brands of explosives is in Poland. However, a significant part of gunpowder and explosives is nevertheless manufactured nearby, in the same city, at the facilities of the Eurenco company.

Eurenco CEO Daniel Rieden said in Karlskuz that his company has also switched to a 24-hour schedule for explosives production and plans to radically expand production to meet demand for the scarce resource.

According to the general director of Försvarets materielverk Joran Martensson, who heads the Scandinavian project to increase the production of ammunition, the cost of one modern 155 mm projectile is $8 thousand.