The cost of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine increased to almost $500 billion in one year

Oleksandra Opanasenko

The cost of reconstruction and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine as of the end of 2023 has increased to $486 billion — this figure was calculated for a ten-year period. Last year, recovery needs were estimated at $411 billion.

This is stated in the RDNA3 (Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment) report. This is a joint assessment of the Ukrainian government, the World Bank, the European Commission and the UN.

The RDNA3 estimate covers a period of almost two years, from February 24, 2022 to December 31, 2023. The direct damage of the Russian war in Ukraine reached almost $152 billion. Among the most affected sectors are housing, transport, trade and industry, energy and agriculture.

It is noted that 10% of the housing stock of Ukraine has been destroyed or destroyed. Donetsk, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson and Kyiv regions were the most affected. And the destruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP dam and the hydroelectric power station aggravated the problems of access to housing, water, food and medical services and led to catastrophic consequences for the environment.

Ukraineʼs key needs for 2024 include recovery, particularly in the areas of housing and communal services, transport and logistics, and energy. By 2024, Ukraine needs about $15 billion for the most urgent reconstruction and rehabilitation measures. Currently, only a third of the amount required for this year (about $5.5 billion) has already been provided by international partners and the state budget of Ukraine. The rest remains unsupported by funding.