Great Britain continues duty-free trade with Ukraine

Oleksandra Amru

Great Britain will continue duty-free trade with Ukraine on almost all goods until 2029, providing further favorable trading conditions after the start of a major war with the Russian Federation.

This is reported by Reuters.

Britain canceled tariffs on trade with Ukraine after the start of a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukrainian territories. This agreement was supposed to expire in March of this year, but it was extended for another five years for almost all goods. Exceptions are eggs and poultry — duty-free trade for these products was extended for two years.

"This deal provides much-needed long-term economic support to Ukraine, its businesses and people — critical to its recovery," said Junior Trade Secretary Greg Hands, adding that Britainʼs support would continue "for as long as it takes".

  • Great Britain supports Ukraine in every possible way against the background of Russian aggression. In particular, the country provides financial, military and humanitarian aid. According to the House of Commons Library of Great Britain, as of October 2023, the United Kingdom provided Ukraine with military aid worth £4.6 billion (including £2.3 billion from 2022). Among other things, Britain organized a program to train the Ukrainian military, train Ukrainian pilots on modern fighter jets, and provides Ukraine with long-range missiles.
  • The total military, humanitarian and economic support of Ukraine by Britain, according to the data of the government of the United Kingdom as of the beginning of December 2023, reached £9.3 billion.