Investigation: Slovak company could supply equipment for the production of Russian Lancet drones

Liza Brovko

The Molfar agency analyzed the content of the mail of Russian diplomat Serhiy Stupar, who has been working as Russiaʼs trade representative in Slovakia since 2022 and is negotiating a business partnership.

In the summer of 2022, Serhii Stupar held negotiations with business representatives from Slovakia, among whom was Milan Mandak, the general director of the MASAM company, which manufactures drills, milling cutters and other equipment. Stupar discussed with him how to support companies under sanctions, develop production in Russia, etc.

Sergey Stupar.

There is an official MASAM sales office in Russia, and the product catalog states that Kalashnikov Concern cooperates with MASAM, which includes Zala Aero — it manufactures Russian Lancet drones. Because of these facts, there is a possibility that MASAM products are used in the production of UAVs.

Later, Serhiy Stupar received a message from the editor-in-chief of Dimenzie, who asked for assistance to "a group of Slovak investors who would like to invest in Russia." It was about a project for the production of silicon ingots, which are raw materials for the manufacture of semiconductor microcircuits. Silicon ingots are important for rocketry, they are used to make silicon wafers, which later become integrated circuits and other electronic components that ensure precision navigation and control of missiles.

In general, Serhiy Stupar is actively working to assist Slovak politicians and businessmen in cooperation with Russia. He negotiated cooperation, investments, supplies of concrete pillars, iron ore, ventilation and turkey eggs. He also built up a network of connections in the Czech Republic, Spain, and the USA.