Aviation equipment worth more than UAH 10 million was handed over to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Liza Brovko

At the request of the Prosecutor Generalʼs Office, aviation pumps and their components for the total amount of more than 10 million hryvnias were transferred for the needs of the Armed Forces.

The press service writes about it.

The investigation established that in 2019, an attacker stole this aviation equipment for MiG-29 combat aircraft from a manufacturing enterprise in Dnipro and wanted to sell it on the Internet.

Ten air pumps, two starter generators and a thousand additional components were stored on the territory of the service station in the possession of a familiar figure, SBU specifies.

The entrepreneur posted an ad on a specialized website, and representatives of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation were interested in him.

During the pretrial investigation, the equipment was seized, and then it was seized. The investigation was conducted by investigators of the Main Investigative Department of SBU under the procedural guidance of the Prosecutor Generalʼs Office, because the goods were of military use and belonged to "critical imports".

The case is being investigated for the laundering of stolen property in a particularly large amount (Part 3 of Article 209 of the Criminal Code). Both men face up to 12 years in prison.