
The UN Secretary-General called on Russia to withdraw troops from the Zaporizhzhia NPP and stop any military operations nearby

Kostia Andreikovets

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres calls for the creation of a safe perimeter around the Russian-captured Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and to stop any military actions around it.

This is stated in the address of the Secretary-General, which was published on the UN website.

"I have called on all stakeholders to exercise common sense and not to take any action that could jeopardize the physical integrity, safety or security of the nuclear plant," the statement said.

Guterres says that reports of shelling of the station are alarming and could lead to disaster. He insists on the complete withdrawal of military personnel and equipment, followed by a moratorium on the placement of troops at the ZNPP.

"It is necessary to urgently agree on a safe demilitarization perimeter at the technical level to ensure the security of the district. I call on the parties to grant the IAEA mission immediate, safe and unhindered access to the site," Gutterish said.

The Secretary Generalʼs statement never mentions Russia, whose troops control the ZNPP. He did not specify which "parties" he asked to provide access to the station besides the Russian one.