Barabashovo market pavilion burned down as a result of shelling, June 6, 2022.
Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel
Barabashovo market row, burned down.
Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel
Entrepreneurs trade on the surviving stalls of the Barabashovo market.
Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel
Barabashovo market.
Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel
Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel
Barabashovo market. “The best bathroom fitments. Quality guaranteed” is written on the sign.
Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel
The woman trades in the burned-out Evropa market on June 4, 2022.
Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel
Barabashovo market, toilet sign.
Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel
Evropa market.
Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel
Barabashovo market.
Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel
Barabashovo market.
Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel
Barabashovo market.
Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel
Barabashovo market.
Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel
Evropa market.
Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel
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